Setting Paths#

Parasect needs to know where certain files are to function:

  1. To ignore calibration or operator parameters in compare, it needs to know where the Meals Menu is, to find the corresponding staple Dishes.

  2. To build the Meals Menu, it needs to know its folder path.

  3. To build a Meals Menu using the default parameters file of an autopilot, it also needs to know the path of the default parameters file.

In sum, there are two resources that the user might need to specify:

  1. The Meals Menu folder path.

  2. The filepath of the autopilot default parameters.

Pointing to the Meals Menu folder#

By priority, pass the Meals Menu path in the --input_folder (-i) option of compare or build.

Alternatively, with lower priority, you can set the environment variable PARASECT_PATH.

Pointing to the default parameters file#

By priority, use the defaults reserved keyword in a Meal description, as described here.

Alternatively, with lower priority, pass the default parameters filepath in the --default_parameters (-d) option of build.

Alternatively, with lower priority, you can set the environment variable PARASECT_DEFAULTS.